Figurines imprimées en 3dMade in France


Professor's creations - Great Grimoire

Professor's creations - Great Grimoire 7.99 EUR

Figurine de marionnette (modèle au choix a sélectionner).


Environ 22-24mm de haut (suivant modèle)


Description de l'artiste : 


No strings attached

We watch you. We see you. When you’re laying in beds all warm and cozy waiting for sweet dreams to come we’re always there for you. Creeping. Crawling. Hanging from the ceiling. Waiting for the right moment. 

We used to be the ones to bring joy to young hearts, bring smiles to naive faces. But we ended ubruptly up in the attics or down in the basements. Lost, torn, broken to pieces - just like our memories of better days. 

But professor saved us. The old clock tower became our new home. He brought us back to this world. He made us a little bit different - but who really cares anyway? No hard feelings. No strings attached. At least we’re finally here again. Watching... Waiting... Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...


Design par Great Grimoire